The title of the Omusubi:
13 years old
from an Islamic Community

The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Grateful (Avocado)
★Self esteem (Strawberry)
★No Judgement (Cacao)
★Love to Others (Cucumbers)

Taste like:

Be grateful with what you have. Love yourself. See the potential in people and don’t judge them before you really know them. Love the people around you. Inside is much more interesting even if the outside looks normal.
  • I had a sad week in the high school. I cheated at an exam and had to go to a director at the school, and discussed with my parents a lot. I had a whole week crying but when I went back to the school and had another exam, I was happier about my result. I realised and more thankful about what I have now, and realised I should not force myself.

  • My sister changed my life. I was not alone anymore. I knew that my sister would be born on the same date as my birthday. She was indeed born on my 6th birthday. I have the 6th sense. I started to change myself to be a good role model to her.

  • I hope the world with rainbow, with so many different culture.

  • I hope that the world with no fights. Don’t fight about lands. No wars! Because of the fight, they can’t be themselves. My friend who used to live in Bangladesh moved to the Netherlands. She told me that she was so poor, didn’t have many friends, couldn’t do what she wanted to do there, but in the Netherlands She can be herself. But, she had to move to the UK as there was no family in the Netherlands.

The title of the Omusubi:
15 years old
from an Islamic Community

The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Freshness and airy (Lemon)
★Standardness (Salmon)
★Suffering (Black cumin)
★Health (Avocado)

Taste like:

Don’t judge others. Even salt could be like a sugar.
Be brave, tell people the truth, if they don’t believe you, let them themselves. Never try convincing them.
Everyone has another personal story. Nothing is perfect. Everything is perfect in its own way.
Respect, Care, and Love each other. It doesn’t mean you have to like everyone or everyone has to like you. Learn to be happy in your own way.
Live in the way you live but never distract others.
  • One day, I got chicken pox. I was feeling dying.. When I looked at mirror, I saw my disgusting body..I kept putting a cream on my body. In a few minutes, I finished one whole box of the cream. Because of this, I got a trauma of smell. I now have a sensitive about smell.

  • I also lost 8 kg.. I couldn’t go to the school because my body was very painful. I cried all days, but the next day, my body got much better because of my tears. The salt in tears dried and healed my body. The doctor said “you solve the problem by yourself!”

  • When I went back to the school, I was judged and felt guilty because nobody really understood how bad it was.
  • I wish the world with no judgement, judgement is only for competitions. I hope nobody is afraid of sharing their stories.
  • I hope everyone cares, loves, and respects each other. Nature too!
  • Success is made by collaboration, helping each other.
The title of the Omusubi:
17 years old
from an Islamic Community

The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Brave (Chili)
★Caring family (Honey)
★Respect (Curry)
★Caring the environment (Mackerel)

Taste like:

Be brave! Taking care and being with your family. Respecting each other. Taking care of the environment.
It feels like we are protecting the nature but we are actually the part of the nature and lived by the nature.
Appreciate the nature and differencies. Inside is much more interesting. Don’t judge from the appearence. The character is always inside, the surprise is inside.
  • The car crash changed my body, health, myself physically and mentally. I got PTSD because of the car crash. Whenever I see peddle stones, it reminds me of the car crash. I also felt fear, concerned, powerless, and alone because all of my family got injured.

  • I felt responsible for takig care of my sister but didn’t know what to do but just being with her actually healed me. It made our relationship much closer.

  • My best friend. I felt so much empathy with her since we are from the same city in Turkey. Although we both were born in the Netherlands, we traced our origin and it made us very close. As I have ADD, I am very slow to do everything and doubt a lot before doing but she always encouraged me. She influenced me a lot.

  • I hope no religious war! No more destroying the nature. No plastic, no carbon dyoxide, when the nature is ok we are good too.
  • When we want to study, we should get the opportunity to study eaqually as I also want to continue studying chemicals.
  • I want the world to be able to live in the village and study at the same time because good education is always in the city.    
The title of the Omusubi:
15 years old
from an Islamic Community

The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Accent (pepper and lemon)
★Love (cheese)
★Honesty (melon)
★Brave (yogurt, olieves)

Taste like:

Different religions in one. Accept the differences. Mix with different religions is more delicious!
It “looks” maybe bad or you are afraid of, but it gives you a good accent, so don’t be afraid, don’t give up.
Be kind, do good things to others, so you get good back.
Love yourself.
Take risks, have fun. Be brave, be proud of yourself.
  • When I was 10 years old, I learned about Islam, Koran. It changed myself/the way I live/how I think about life and people around me. I became more hopeful. I learned not giving up even when you have difficult time.

  • BTS is my favourite singers. Their lyrics are hopeful. They also say don’t give up, but keep going even if other people say to you “I don’t think you can do”.

  • I also like two youtubers. One is a Korean man who talks about Islam. People who don’t know about Muslim have prejudice such as terrorist, but he is saying the truth of Muslim such as respecting women and we can’t kill people. The other youtuber is a Malaysian woman who also talks women rights, thankfulness, and general about life in Islam.
  • My sister needed to do an internship for her education but she got refused because she wears hijab. I am also ignored at shops quite many times. They don’t say anything only to me or their attitude is obviously very different from others and so mean.
  • I wish the place without prejudice, racism, discrimination by skin colors.
The title of the omusubi:
15 yesars old
from an Islamic Community
The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Freshness, Happiness (Lemon)
★Forest, Strength (Avocado)
★Land, War (Seaweed)
★Sharing, fundamental (Rice)

Taste like:

Be strong.
The world without wars and racism.
Help poor people.
This is the world of everyone.
It isn’t fair if we have all of the things but they don’t. Share your food.
Caring about each other.
Tining up all together, then it gets stronger. Transform the negativity into Flowers.
  • I was living in one village. I moved from the village to a city, which changed my life. Everything got changed! I always had two feelings, sometimes happy to be there but also sad because I had to leave my friends, house, school.. Even though I made new friends in my new city, I miss my friends very much.

  • 2 years ago, I had a car accident. I have got 2 opperations which were really hard physically and mentally. The biggest event in my life. Mindset was changed. The life is too short. Everything is precious and important. I realised how important they are.

  • During my HAVO period, I became a kind of nerd. I’ve never thought that I would want to study so much. I didn’t used to care about studying but HAVO period made me change.
  • I have complained that I had to move from place to place but I realised that there are a lot of people who don’t even have houses, which made me appreciate what I have more and started to think what I can do for those people.

  • As I wish the world without problems, I draw the flowers to transform the blood.

  • I believe that being together makes you strong. People become strong when they are with someone.