The title of the omusubi:
15 yesars old
from an Islamic Community
The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Freshness, Happiness (Lemon)
★Forest, Strength (Avocado)
★Land, War (Seaweed)
★Sharing, fundamental (Rice)

Taste like:

Be strong.
The world without wars and racism.
Help poor people.
This is the world of everyone.
It isn’t fair if we have all of the things but they don’t. Share your food.
Caring about each other.
Tining up all together, then it gets stronger. Transform the negativity into Flowers.
  • I was living in one village. I moved from the village to a city, which changed my life. Everything got changed! I always had two feelings, sometimes happy to be there but also sad because I had to leave my friends, house, school.. Even though I made new friends in my new city, I miss my friends very much.

  • 2 years ago, I had a car accident. I have got 2 opperations which were really hard physically and mentally. The biggest event in my life. Mindset was changed. The life is too short. Everything is precious and important. I realised how important they are.

  • During my HAVO period, I became a kind of nerd. I’ve never thought that I would want to study so much. I didn’t used to care about studying but HAVO period made me change.
  • I have complained that I had to move from place to place but I realised that there are a lot of people who don’t even have houses, which made me appreciate what I have more and started to think what I can do for those people.

  • As I wish the world without problems, I draw the flowers to transform the blood.

  • I believe that being together makes you strong. People become strong when they are with someone.