The title of the Omusubi:
15 years old
from an Islamic Community

The Recipe:
The Ingredients:
★Accent (pepper and lemon)
★Love (cheese)
★Honesty (melon)
★Brave (yogurt, olieves)
Taste like:
Different religions in one. Accept the differences. Mix with different religions is more delicious!
It “looks” maybe bad or you are afraid of, but it gives you a good accent, so don’t be afraid, don’t give up.
Be kind, do good things to others, so you get good back.
Love yourself.
Take risks, have fun. Be brave, be proud of yourself.
★Accent (pepper and lemon)
★Love (cheese)
★Honesty (melon)
★Brave (yogurt, olieves)
Taste like:
Different religions in one. Accept the differences. Mix with different religions is more delicious!
It “looks” maybe bad or you are afraid of, but it gives you a good accent, so don’t be afraid, don’t give up.
Be kind, do good things to others, so you get good back.
Love yourself.
Take risks, have fun. Be brave, be proud of yourself.

- When I was 10 years old, I learned about Islam, Koran. It changed myself/the way I live/how I think about life and people around me. I became more hopeful. I learned not giving up even when you have difficult time.
- BTS is my favourite singers. Their lyrics are hopeful. They also say don’t give up, but keep going even if other people say to you “I don’t think you can do”.
- I also like two youtubers. One is a Korean man who talks about Islam. People who don’t know about Muslim have prejudice such as terrorist, but he is saying the truth of Muslim such as respecting women and we can’t kill people. The other youtuber is a Malaysian woman who also talks women rights, thankfulness, and general about life in Islam.

- My sister needed to do an internship for her education but she got refused because she wears hijab. I am also ignored at shops quite many times. They don’t say anything only to me or their attitude is obviously very different from others and so mean.
- I wish the place without prejudice, racism, discrimination by skin colors.